Welcome to Great Lakes ReNEW, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported Regional Innovation Engine.

Our mission: To accelerate the transition to a circular blue economy, turning waste into wealth for the communities of the Great Lakes region and beyond.

As growing water scarcity threatens ecosystems and economies across the globe, the Great Lakes region is positioned to secure supply chains and boost U.S. competitiveness in today’s transformational industries.

Current logo
Alaina Harkness

Alaina Harkness

Junhong Chen

Junhong Chen

View of lake from beach

Selectively separate valuable minerals, such as lithium, and dangerous chemicals, such as PFAS from wastewater

Build up our region’s circular blue economy by training people for jobs and exposing youth to the industry

Launching and investing in water tech 
startups and building a centralized 
testbed for their products